Motherhood- A Love Letter to my Children

bottle, message, smile

Each stage of motherhood is challenging yet filled with joy. 

I became a mother for the first time in 2001, a second time in 2004, a single mom in 2005, and a stepmom in 2009. 

The times when they were young are just memories now. When you are in the moment, it feels like the days are long, but when they are all grown up, you realize just how short and fast the years go. 

Before you know it, they are leaving for college or starting their careers. But they will always be your babies and the memories of their young lives will remain close to the heart. 

As I reflect on my role as a mother, I have nothing other than gratitude for these years of motherhood. 


A love letter to my children on Mother’s Day


As your mother, immense joy and pride fill my heart for the people you have become. 

Each day of every year, I have witnessed your growth and development into these amazing people. 

I can still see your young smile, 

hear your tender voice, 

feel your hand in mine, 

and embrace your sweet laughter. 

Those memories will be etched on my heart, cherished forever, and create joy in my soul, even on my darkest days. 

I am grateful for each of you and what you bring to our family. I’m thankful for the kindness and love you bring into this world and the empathy you carry towards others.

Here are my hopes for you:

I hope you approach each day with a positive attitude. 

I hope you always express gratitude for everything you do and the people in your life. 

I hope you laugh at yourself and always have a sense of humor. 

I hope you lend a hand to someone less fortunate without expecting anything in return. 

I hope you let the important people know that you love them. 

I hope you take the time to spend with your family. Don’t hold off on what you can do today. 

I hope you turn toward faith in your darkest moments. 

I hope you communicate and express your thoughts and feelings even when it is hard. 

I hope you find joy in the little moments as much as the big ones. I would hate for you to miss out on something because you were searching for the “big” when the blessing was right there in the “small.” 

I hope you trust in your abilities. You have so much to offer the world. 

I hope you know how special you are. Your uniqueness makes the world a better place. 

I hope you always stay true to yourself and your core beliefs. Walk with integrity. 

I hope you always remain courageous. Take risks and understand that fear is part of the process. 

I hope you keep going even when it is difficult. Know that along the journey, there will be disappointments and failures. Do not give up!

I hope that you learn that a closed door is not the end. It may be leading you down a different path. 

I hope you learn that there may be several new beginnings and chapters, each providing an opportunity to grow. 

I hope you always find joy in each moment, even when the road ahead is filled with darkness. 

I hope you smile often. 

I hope you are always open to different viewpoints and understand that broader perspectives enrich our lives. 

I hope you will always walk humbly through life, knowing there is a plan for you. 

I hope you will always feel my love and know that my life is complete with you in it. 

You are my light and my joy. 

I love you!




Motherhood will always be my greatest blessing and my biggest accomplishment!


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