A Champion for Students

ai generated, trophy, cup
What does it mean to be a Champion for students? I read Jimmy Casas’s Culturize, an educator’s book, a few years ago. It is by far one of the best educational books I have read.  Casas writes about four core principles of a positive school culture: Champion for Students Expect Excellence Carry the Banner Be…

Heroes Among Us

a hero is any person really intent on making this a better place for all people
  Every day I believe I am surrounded by heroes; 27 little heroes to be exact. This school year has started out just as difficult or perhaps even more difficult than last year. There are days when I have to really be intentional about finding the silver linings. But the reality is that they do…

My 15th Blessing- The Extrovert

My Fifteenth Bless
When we returned for in-person learning in late March , I really did not know how my blessings would amplify. These students who returned have brightened my days and truly inspired me with their insight and perspectives on all subjects that we talk about in class.  My 15th blessing is one of those students whom…

My 14th Blessing- Blessed by Inspiration

inspiration 14th
Inspiration has a way of creeping up in our lives and creating a picture of beauty that manifests a desire to want to be better and do better. Sometimes people cross our paths who manage to spark that inspiration in our hearts. My fourteenth blessing has done just that for me.  Even though I have…

My 13th Blessing

13th blesing
Beyond My Expectations We started back to in-person learning about a month ago. Some of my students came back while others chose to remain in distance learning. This brings me to my thirteenth blessing: a young girl who has flourished into an exceptional scholar in the past month. She emerged from the shadows of distance…

My Twelfth Blessing

Try, Try and Try Again
My twelfth blessing is one of determination and perseverance. She comes to class eager to learn. She is not afraid to ask questions. She is one who will come back into Zoom when class is over to clarify her understanding. She cares about her learning and wants to achieve proficiency in all she does.  She…

My Eleventh Blessing- It is not so scary after all

stepping out comfort
My eleventh blessing is one student who is not afraid to make mistakes. She is not afraid to take risks in learning and she is not afraid to be wrong.  I love to interact with this child because she is willing to step out of her comfort zone with her learning in order to improve.…

My Tenth Blessing Caught Me by Surprise

blessing out of nowhere
My tenth blessings is a young man who remains in the shadows but then suddenly will appear out of nowhere to share his voice. There are times during class when he remains silent but if I check in on him, he is right there with me. He chooses to not always have his camera on…

My Ninth Blessing

A Breath of Fresh Air in my Day!
My ninth blessing is a child who exudes confidence. She is mature beyond her years. When she shares in class, she does so in a way that I listen in awe of how she articulates her thoughts and shares her voice.  She understands that in learning, mistakes are going to be made and she is…

My Eighth Blessing

A Smiling Heart
My Eighth Blessing- He makes my heart smile My eighth blessing is a ball of energy who comes into Zoom ready to share everything that is on his mind. He greets me and then wants to share things from what he ate for breakfast to the work his mother is doing, or to the new…
About the Author
Bridget Gengler

Hi Friend!

I am glad you are here. Let me tell you a little about myself.

I am a writer and educator. I am passionate about inspiring and encouraging my readers by bringing hope when you may otherwise, feel lost. I take time to focus on gratitude, kindness, prayer and finding joy and hope even in the most difficult of moments.

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