My 15th Blessing- The Extrovert

My Fifteenth Bless

When we returned for in-person learning in late March , I really did not know how my blessings would amplify. These students who returned have brightened my days and truly inspired me with their insight and perspectives on all subjects that we talk about in class. 

My 15th blessing is one of those students whom I look forward to talking to each day. She always has something to share and in her mature demeanor she eloquently contributes to our discussions and leaves us with something to think about. 

When she begins to talk, one can hear the rise in her voice and the excitement she feels as she begins to share. It is as if the plot is reaching the rising action and we are all anticipating the most important event to be revealed. We wait in stillness with bated breath to hear what happens next in her story. She is the entertainer. But one cannot help but be amusingly entertained because she speaks with cheer and complete happiness about whatever subject it is. 

This is my extrovert in the classroom who does not let anything stop her from what she is thinking or believing. She is strong in her convictions. One thing I have learned about is her love for animals. As we read The One and Only Ivan, she is not shy to share her stance on the treatment of animals. It is very endearing and admirable for a child of ten years to have such strong beliefs on the topic. 

I am amazed by her maturity and zest for life. She is in her element when she is surrounded by people, young or old; it does not matter the age, she seems to get along with everyone. I am blessed to have experienced her presence in person for it has lit the flame in her and brought out her true self- an amazing kid who is strong and confident.

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