My Twelfth Blessing

My twelfth blessing is one of determination and perseverance. She comes to class eager to learn. She is not afraid to ask questions. She is one who will come back into Zoom when class is over to clarify her understanding. She cares about her learning and wants to achieve proficiency in all she does.
She is the gymnast in the group and she shares with the class her experiences of working hard to accomplish her goals. She lets us know her struggles on perfecting her work in the gym. She is not shy about informing us about what she needs to improve. She is cognizant of what she needs to work on and there is no doubt that she spends the time to get better at her craft.
She is a diligent worker who is always ready to conquer the work for the day. It does not take her long to get into the groove of the day. She is an example of action. She moves in the direction of success. If she is flourishing, then she challenges herself to do more. If she is struggling, then she makes the extra effort to try and figure out what she needs to do to overcome the hurdle that is placed in her way. She is not one to give up.
She is a perfect example of the saying, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try again.” (William Edward Hickson)
She is quite a blessing in my life for she reminds me that if we try and fail, then we just try again.