God Really Works in Mysterious Ways!

In August, 2018 I decided that I wanted to begin my day in such a way that would benefit me and bring me joy throughout the day. So I got up a little earlier and sat in silence with my coffee and prayed. I began this a month before the school year started, so by the time I began work again I would have created the habit. It has been over a year now and I am still doing this. My day is not the same if I skip it.
When I began, I started to read the bible. I grew up Catholic so reading the bible, other than the readings during mass was not something that we did. As I have grown closer to God, I wanted to explore more of the bible.
This reading then grew into reading devotionals that focused on certain bible verses. I read Lysa Terkeurst devotional “Embraced” and Jennie Allen’s “Made for This” as well as a Proverbs Bible Study. I currently am reading “Brave” by Annie Downs. All of these have helped me focus on my prayers and led me in directions that I thought I would never go.
This past July I added to my morning ritual. I began to write in a journal. After reading Rachel Hollis’s books and listening to her podcasts and IG stories I began to write in a journal. In this journal I keep ten dreams that I have. I write them as if they have already happened. Then I pick one for my goal to focus on. Lastly, I write down ten things that I am grateful. This has helped me reflect on my days and pick out the goodness that each day has brought to me. Approaching each day with a grateful heart has changed the way that I see my world.
So this brings me to August 18 when I had to leave my daughter at ASU for her first year in college. One of the most bittersweet days for me. I was so excited and happy for her but I knew how much I would miss her presence.
That first week of college far away from home was a bit of struggle. I was confident that she would adjust quickly but I knew the first few days would be difficult . And they were. I received many calls and texts from a seventeen year old feeling despair, insecurity and fear of the unknown. Each time I was able to walk her through it and provide words of encouragement and wisdom . Then an epiphany hit me. This new morning ritual that I began a year ago was in preparation to help her for these days. Many of the words of wisdom that I was speaking into her came from those mornings of prayer and solitude. I realized that God had prepared me for this time in my daughter’s life. He had prepared me to be there for her in a way that would lift her up and comfort her.
God definitely works in mysterious ways and I am so grateful for how He has filled my life this past year in order to fill my daughter’s life. Just one simple habit that I acquired a year ago prepared me for my daughter’s departure to college. It has given me the faith that God is with her, guiding her along, as she is miles away from me.