A Light in Someone’s Darkness
The world is in a crazy, uncertain time right now. Many people are scared, anxious and they feel like they cannot control anything.
On Friday, March 13 I went to work, ready to teach that day and looking forward to a weekend to relax and regroup when, at 11 am, we received news that our district would be closing our schools due to the Cornoavirus (COVID-19). Things changed within minutes. My colleagues and I were looking at uncharted territory. What now? How are we going to teach these students? We all went home unsure and overwhelmed with a burden of uncertainties.
We are now 9 days from that point and our district has announced a longer school closure; our state has called for safer at home measures and we are trying to make sure that the well-beings of everyone in our famlies are good.
This past week I have dealt with my own anxiety and the anxiety of my children while trying to make things as normal as possible.
What has kept me going?
The time that I spend in the Word and with God in the calmness and stillness of my home. The comforting feeling I have when I give it all to Him. I realize that I cannot control any of this and spending time in prayer brings me not only comfort but joy. Being in the midst of prayer has opened my eyes to see all the good that is going on around me despite of the fear, anxiety and uncertainty that exists in our world right now.
What good do I see?
It is simple-
I see families spending time together- enjoying the outdoors, taking walks, riding bikes, cooking and baking together, eating dinner together, having conversations, and playing games together.
I see Extended families are finding time to connect through facetime and platforms like Zoom. My family did that last night and how refreshing it was to see each other; how reassuring it was to know everyone is well.
I see kindness being spread to neighbors, to the elderly, to the healthcare workers, and to the most vulnerable.
So in the midst of this trying time, I choose to see the good and the love that exists between people.
This time is teaching us that we need each other.
It is teaching us that it is important to reach out and be a light in someone’s darkness.