What Really Matters?

The other day, I was listening to a message from a pastor in Texas, Dr. Tony Evans. As he was addressing our new normal during this COVID-19 pandemic his message resonated with me- take the time during this quarantine to think about what really matters.
It sounds so simple- think about what matters. Why does it have to take a pandemic for us to stop and take the time to think about what really matters in our lives? It has allowed us to slow down and given many of us the time to think and consider the important things in our lives.
So as I ponder on this question- What really matters? It all comes back to one thing….
To me what matters is family. The beautiful family that my husband and I have built together but also my whole extended family. Together we are stronger. My family is ultimately the most important thing in my life.
My life has been blessed with wonderful parents who have always put family first. Parents who have always taught their children that we need to be there for each other. We need to celebrate each other in times of joy and support each other in times of need. We need to create memories together and find laughter in all moments. My parents have taught us what truly matters in life.
As I sit here in quarantine ,with these safe at home orders, I love that over the past weeks my family has had the opportunity to go back to eating dinners together- something that rarely happens in our home with young adults and teens. We have been able to have more conversations, walks around the block, playing games, baking , making puzzles and partaking in impromptu games of balloon volleyball. The ability to connect to each child and really see who they are. More conversations with my husband while taking a daily walk has become a desired daily activity. The urge to have more conversations and activities with my family is a must. My smiles are more and my laughter is heartier.
Although physical contact with my extended family is nonexistent at this time, text messaging, FaceTime and ZOOM has become our best friends. The ability to see each other’s faces and know we are all ok is so necessary and abundant at this time. I miss them all tremendously and
I yearn for the next time that we will be able to be together.
So the question- What really matters? – is simple- to me it is and always will be FAMILY!