My Ninth Blessing

My ninth blessing is a child who exudes confidence. She is mature beyond her years. When she shares in class, she does so in a way that I listen in awe of how she articulates her thoughts and shares her voice.
She understands that in learning, mistakes are going to be made and she is open to sharing when she makes one. I have witnessed countless times in this school year when she has made an error or has a struggle but she is willing to be vulnerable and share it with the rest of the class.
When I spoke to the class about my writing and how I wanted to write a book. She was the one who took interest and asked me about what I was writing and what my book would be about. She is attune to others and she has the ability to relate to adults in a way that not many young people can.
Last week we were talking about what makes us awesome. She confidently shared that she works hard and she desires to make her parents proud. She said she does not worry about what others think of her but she cares about doing right by her parents. She wants them to love and appreciate what she does in life. She wants to be a good example for her younger siblings. This is all coming from a fourth grader. Her confidence flows through her and shines brightly out into the world. I am blessed by her poise and confidence. She is one student who is not afraid to be who she is. She is a breath of fresh air in my day.