Embracing Your Story

Embrace your story
Your life is a long story unfolding before your eyes. There are characters who travel in and out of your story. Some stay for a moment, some for an extended time and some throughout your whole life.  Your story is full of lessons.  Lessons of love, lessons of friendship, lessons of forgiveness, and lessons of…

Overcoming the Despair

Our despair can bring us perseverance Romans 5:3-4
What is the world without hope? What is a season without hope? What is a day without hope and full of despair? Have you ever felt so lost that you thought you would never find your way? Have you ever felt pain so deep that you thought you would suffocate? Has a situation overwhelmed you…

Still Believing through the Disappointments

Romans 15:13 hope
Has there been disappointments in your life that made you feel so crushed in spirit? Disappointments can take away your hope, your confidence and your belief in yourself.  They can eat away at your soul. They can crush your dreams and make you feel so alone and worthless.    Shattered Dreams When my marriage came to…

In Your Brokenness

psalms 34:18
Are there moments in your life when you have just felt so broken? Broken from a promise not fulfilled? Broken from dishonesty? Broken from betrayal? Broken from grief? Broken from disappointment? There are many moments during my divorce that I felt completely and utterly broken.  I remember when I found out about things that would…

Suspended in Time

I stand in the middle of two trains flying by me at a velocity I cannot comprehend. My feet are planted firmly to the ground like they are embedded in a cement block.  The wind from the speed of the trains pushes my upper body forward, but my feet stay fixated on the foundation under…

Heroes Among Us

a hero is any person really intent on making this a better place for all people
  Every day I believe I am surrounded by heroes; 27 little heroes to be exact. This school year has started out just as difficult or perhaps even more difficult than last year. There are days when I have to really be intentional about finding the silver linings. But the reality is that they do…

My 15th Blessing- The Extrovert

My Fifteenth Bless
When we returned for in-person learning in late March , I really did not know how my blessings would amplify. These students who returned have brightened my days and truly inspired me with their insight and perspectives on all subjects that we talk about in class.  My 15th blessing is one of those students whom…

My 14th Blessing- Blessed by Inspiration

inspiration 14th
Inspiration has a way of creeping up in our lives and creating a picture of beauty that manifests a desire to want to be better and do better. Sometimes people cross our paths who manage to spark that inspiration in our hearts. My fourteenth blessing has done just that for me.  Even though I have…

My 13th Blessing

13th blesing
Beyond My Expectations We started back to in-person learning about a month ago. Some of my students came back while others chose to remain in distance learning. This brings me to my thirteenth blessing: a young girl who has flourished into an exceptional scholar in the past month. She emerged from the shadows of distance…

My Twelfth Blessing

Try, Try and Try Again
My twelfth blessing is one of determination and perseverance. She comes to class eager to learn. She is not afraid to ask questions. She is one who will come back into Zoom when class is over to clarify her understanding. She cares about her learning and wants to achieve proficiency in all she does.  She…
About the Author
Bridget Gengler

Hi Friend!

I am glad you are here. Let me tell you a little about myself.

I am a writer and educator. I am passionate about inspiring and encouraging my readers by bringing hope when you may otherwise, feel lost. I take time to focus on gratitude, kindness, prayer and finding joy and hope even in the most difficult of moments.

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