God Really Works in Mysterious Ways!

Romans 11:33
In August, 2018 I decided that I wanted to begin my day in such a way that would benefit me and bring me joy throughout the day. So I got up a little earlier and sat in silence with my coffee and prayed. I began this a month before the school year started, so by…

My Little One

Fourteen years ago today my baby girl was born. It seems like just yesterday that she was a newborn baby. The fear I had as a new mother is still vivid in my mind. I remember going into the hospital that morning preparing to be induced since my little one was stubborn and nine days…

A Kind Gesture

 It’s simple…..My daughter, Grace went to an Alzheimer’s walk with her cheer team a few weeks ago. All the participants had a different color flower on their shirts depending on the involvement with Alzheimer’s- Blue- a person with Alzheimer’s, Purple- someone who has lost a loved one with Alzheimer’s, Yellow-people who are currently supporting or…
About the Author
Bridget Gengler

Hi Friend!

I am glad you are here. Let me tell you a little about myself.

I am a writer and educator. I am passionate about inspiring and encouraging my readers by bringing hope when you may otherwise, feel lost. I take time to focus on gratitude, kindness, prayer and finding joy and hope even in the most difficult of moments.

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