My Sixth Blessing- A Bright Light in my Day

A Bright Light Day.
My sixth blessing has a quiet nature about himself but hidden behind that is an intelligence like no other. He goes deeper into his thinking and shares thoughts that are beyond his years. He will sit back in the corner and observe then jump into the discussion ready with a well thought out answer. It…

My Fifth Blessing- The Simple Gesture of a Wave

Sometimes the simple gestures can make a difference
My fifth blessing is a child who enters our Zoom meeting every day with a smile. He turns on his camera immediately and gives a wave, no matter if anyone responds to it or not. He greets everyone that way every time. He gives a wave and a big smile. He is ready to begin…

My fourth blessing brings me JOY!

We all need a little JOY in our day!
It has been a bit of time since I have written about my blessings in my teaching this year. When I started this at the beginning of the year it was for me to intentionally focus on the goodness and blessings around me in this difficult year. A time when many are struggling and the…

All Part of God’s Plan

Ecclesiastes 3:11
  For the past ten months, since the pandemic started I have sat in prayer every morning praying for my family and friends to all stay healthy and free of this virus. When we reached the month of November, I was so grateful that my family had remained healthy so we all could meet for…

Love for Levins

there is no footprint too small to leave an imprint on this world
Our family was hit with a terrible tragedy at the end of October, 2019.  My sweet grand niece, Levins, passed away. The heartache and pain that her parents, sisters, and the rest of her extended family is going through is unimaginable. There are no words to describe the loss of a child. I cannot even…

My Third Blessing- What a joy!

Even the small things in life can bring us joy!
I was reading a book this weekend and it reminded me that I do not need to look far to see the goodness that is around me. So as I reflect on the past three weeks I continue to be reminded of the blessings that are right in front of my eyes. I always try…

My Second Blessing

Pay attention to the beauty around you!
  My second blessing of this school year is one student who reminds me of a beautiful sunflower that follows the sun as it grows. I see her as a student who is constantly growing. She takes in all the learning and has aspirations to work above her potential. When I teach she is following me just as the sunflower follows the sun. She finds moments to share her thoughts, moments to make mistakes and moments to grow her abilities. With her sweet and quiet soul,…

Find the Blessings!

Many times the blessings are right in front of us
Months ago I looked upon this school year with excitement and anticipation as I was going to start at a new school after twenty years of teaching at the same school. But things quickly changed when we found out we would be teaching virtually. All of that excitement disappeared and was replaced with uncertainty. This…

There was Jesus!

There was Jesus
Something powerful just happened to me as I was driving. The song- “There was Jesus” by Zach Williams came on the radio. As I was singing along and listening to the words a powerful emotion came over me.  “When the life I built came crashing to the ground.  When the friends I had were nowhere…

God Really Works in Mysterious Ways!

Romans 11:33
In August, 2018 I decided that I wanted to begin my day in such a way that would benefit me and bring me joy throughout the day. So I got up a little earlier and sat in silence with my coffee and prayed. I began this a month before the school year started, so by…
About the Author
Bridget Gengler

Hi Friend!

I am glad you are here. Let me tell you a little about myself.

I am a writer and educator. I am passionate about inspiring and encouraging my readers by bringing hope when you may otherwise, feel lost. I take time to focus on gratitude, kindness, prayer and finding joy and hope even in the most difficult of moments.

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