
God Really Works in Mysterious Ways!

Romans 11:33
In August, 2018 I decided that I wanted to begin my day in such a way that would benefit me and bring me joy throughout the day. So I got up a little earlier and sat in silence with my coffee and prayed. I began this a month before the school year started, so by…

The Ripple Effect has Begun

ripple effect
In order for me to be intentional about my #oneword2019 – Gratitude-  I decided to create a list of all the people who have impacted my life. Each week I think of more people to add to this list and it keeps increasing. I love that it keeps increasing because it means that I have…

Parenting is a Humbling Experience

Parenting is Humbling
 Last Spring my husband and I decided to have our youngest son play baseball in a different league; one that was more competitive. Our intentions were to get him ready for high school and play with some of the kids whom he may play with in high school. He tried out and made a team.…

My Little One

Fourteen years ago today my baby girl was born. It seems like just yesterday that she was a newborn baby. The fear I had as a new mother is still vivid in my mind. I remember going into the hospital that morning preparing to be induced since my little one was stubborn and nine days…

Everlasting Love

It’s simple…. 60 years ago today a young nurse and Air Force officer were set up on a blind date and met for the first time. Over the course of eight months they dated, fell in love and got married. Over the 60 years they have raised eight children and welcomed many grandchildren and great…

A Kind Gesture

 It’s simple…..My daughter, Grace went to an Alzheimer’s walk with her cheer team a few weeks ago. All the participants had a different color flower on their shirts depending on the involvement with Alzheimer’s- Blue- a person with Alzheimer’s, Purple- someone who has lost a loved one with Alzheimer’s, Yellow-people who are currently supporting or…
About the Author
Bridget Gengler

Hi Friend!

I am glad you are here. Let me tell you a little about myself.

I am a writer and educator. I am passionate about inspiring and encouraging my readers by bringing hope when you may otherwise, feel lost. I take time to focus on gratitude, kindness, prayer and finding joy and hope even in the most difficult of moments.

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