Finding Your Way Through Fear

Finding Your Way through Fear
The Soul shivers The eyes lower The shoulders hunch The feet tap The hands clasp The lips tighten Fear has set in It paralyzes you Fright pulls you down Angst brings defeat It tries to steal your dreams Fear can encompass your whole body if you let it It can overpower you It can cause…

You are Enough!

You are Enough!
I have always been quiet and felt like I was never enough. As a child, I would sit in a classroom, hoping to blend in with the other kids and hide from the world. Moreover, the anxiety felt if the teacher called on me was so paralyzing.  If I hid behind the person in front…

A Season of Growth in 2022

psalm 119:105
2022 was a year of growth. I started the year with the One Word of Faith. I wanted to depend on the journey of faith that I was on. God has been at work during the most challenging times in my life. I knew what He could do, and He would not forsake me. So…


Trust His plan is much bigger than yours
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding;” Proverbs 3:5 When praying for something to change in your life, sometimes, it is difficult to wait patiently and trust that God is doing the work behind the scenes.  I am sure you have all been through it at one time…

Power of Prayer

Thessalonians 5:16-17
I grew up in a strong Catholic family where faith and church on Sunday was an integral part of our family life. Grace at dinner and nightly prayers were always said. Prayer became a powerful part of our daily life. As I got older, I relied on those beliefs to help me on struggling days.…

The Weapon of Courage

on the other side of fear is a whole new world to discover when you allow courage to guide you
Courage? Courage? What is courage? It is the ability to face your fears. What frightens you? Does fear make you stop you in your tracks? What causes doubt in your life? Ever since I was a little girl I have had many moments of fear. Those moments stopped me from doing so many things that…

Fear- The Unwelcomed Visitor

Fear- The Unwelcomed Visitor
Have you ever had certain times in your life where fear just seemed to come knocking like an unwanted visitor who would not leave? Fear is the visitor who outstays their welcome and wants your undivided attention the whole time.  Fear has a way of creeping up on you unexpectedly. It has a way of paralyzing…

Embracing Your Story

Embrace your story
Your life is a long story unfolding before your eyes. There are characters who travel in and out of your story. Some stay for a moment, some for an extended time and some throughout your whole life.  Your story is full of lessons.  Lessons of love, lessons of friendship, lessons of forgiveness, and lessons of…

Overcoming the Despair

Our despair can bring us perseverance Romans 5:3-4
What is the world without hope? What is a season without hope? What is a day without hope and full of despair? Have you ever felt so lost that you thought you would never find your way? Have you ever felt pain so deep that you thought you would suffocate? Has a situation overwhelmed you…

Still Believing through the Disappointments

Romans 15:13 hope
Has there been disappointments in your life that made you feel so crushed in spirit? Disappointments can take away your hope, your confidence and your belief in yourself.  They can eat away at your soul. They can crush your dreams and make you feel so alone and worthless.    Shattered Dreams When my marriage came to…
About the Author
Bridget Gengler

Hi Friend!

I am glad you are here. Let me tell you a little about myself.

I am a writer and educator. I am passionate about inspiring and encouraging my readers by bringing hope when you may otherwise, feel lost. I take time to focus on gratitude, kindness, prayer and finding joy and hope even in the most difficult of moments.

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